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INFRANOR Servo Drives

Power and Precision

Infranor offers a wide range of high-performance, compact, versatile servo drives that are easily configured for optimal results and efficiency. From demanding, high-dynamic applications requiring power and safety to mobile applications requiring low voltage and high-density integration, Infranor servo drives meet your exact needs.

A solution for every challenge:

> Fully compatible with Infranor servomotors as well as most other motors

> Customizable upon request

> Full support for commissioning and service

> Shipping direct from factory

Infranor servo drives


- Compact high performance AC servo drive
- Configurable standard operating modes
-Versatile compact AC positioners
- Maximum current: 17A / 230VAC... 200A / 480VAC
- EtherCAT, CANopen, PROFINET, USB, RS-232, Stand-alone

Infranor XtrapulsPacHP (Safety) servo drives

XtrapulsPacHP (Safety)

All the features of XtrapulsPacHP with additional safety features:
- Safety functions STO, SBC, SS1, SS2, SOS, SLS, SDI, SLP.
- 6 dual channel inputs dedicated to safety functions

Infranor servo drives Easy_60VDC

XtrapulsEasy 60 VDC

- Very compact low voltage servo drive
- Feedback resolver or incremental encoder
- Sensorless mode
- Maximum current: 10...120A / 60VDC
-CANopen, RS-232, Stand-alone

Easy_DB Infranor servo drives

XtrapulsEasy 60 VDC DB

- Very compact plug-in drive module for embedded applications
- Sensors: resolver or incremental encoder Sensorless mode
- Maximum current: 45A / 60VDC
CANopen, RS-232, Stand-alone

Infranor servo drives

XtrapulsEasy 230 VAC

- Compact AC servo drive
- Feedback resolver or incremental encoder
- Sensorless mode
- Maximum current: 17A / 230VAC
CANopen, RS-232, Stand-alone

Infranor servo drives Xtrapuls


- Versatile AC actuators
- Configurable standard operating modes
- Maximum current: 16.5A / 230 VAC...90A / 480 VAC
- CANopen, Profibus DP, RS-232,Stand-alone

infranor servo drive XtrapulsPacHP


Compact high performance AC servo drive
Configurable standard operating modes
Maximum current: 17A / 230VAC... 200A / 480VAC
EtherCAT, CANopen, PROFINET, USB, RS-232, Stand-alone

infranor servo drives XtrapulsEasy 230 VAC

XtrapulsEasy 230 VAC

Compact AC servo drive
Feedback resolver or incremental encoder
Sensorless mode
Maximum current: 17A / 230VAC
CANopen, RS-232, Stand-alone

Infranor servo drive XtrapulsEasy 60 VDC

XtrapulsEasy 60 VDC

Very compact low voltage servo drive
Feedback resolver or incremental encoder
Sensorless mode
Maximum current: 10...120A / 60VDC
CANopen, RS-232, Stand-alone

Easy DB site.png

XtrapulsEasy 60 VDC DB

Very compact plug-in drive module for embedded applications
Sensors: resolver or incremental encoder Sensorless mode
Maximum current: 45A / 60VDC
CANopen, RS-232, Stand-alone

Pac PacSF01 230 web.png


Versatile compact AC positioners
Configurable standard operating modes
Maximum current: 17A / 230VAC... 200A / 480VAC
EtherCAT, CANopen, RS-232, Stand-alone

infranor XtrapulsCD1 servo drive


Versatile AC actuators
Configurable standard operating modes
Maximum current: 16.5A / 230 VAC...90A / 480 VAC
CANopen, Profibus DP, RS-232,Stand-alone