AC Servomotors

Infranor products: servomotors

Xtrafors FP Prime

Innovative AC servomotors, stator without notches

Infranor Servomotor Xtrafors BR


BR series multi-pole brushless motor, originally developed for direct drive use in AGVs, targeting a high torque-to-weight ratio.



Very compact AC servomotors Low inertia, high peak torque
Holding torque: 0.35...7 Nm
Frame size: 55...110 mm

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Movinor T

Powerful standard AC Servomotors
Robust design, wide range of standard models
Stall torque 0.1...115Nm
Frame size 37...240mm

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Highly dynamic AC servomotors

Small footprint, low inertia, high torque
Torque at standstill: 0.3...215 Nm
Frame dimensions: 30...270 mm

Infranor servomotor MSA


Flat AC Servomotors Low inertia, reduced cogging
Stall torque 1.4...30Nm
Frame size ø118...ø305mm

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Movinor N

Very dynamic AC servomotors
This range of motors is based on totally innovative pole-winding stator technology. Optimized mechanical construction combined with high-power magnets give this range a highly favorable torque/size ratio
Stall torque 0.28...60Nm
Frame size 55...190mm

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Movinor Low Voltage

Low voltage AC servomotors
Robust design, wide range of models
Stall torque 0.1...5.3Nm
Frame dimensions 37...98mm

Infranor Servomotor XtraforsEX


Explosion-proof servomotor with flame-proof housing. Totally safe in hazardous environments. Low cogging torque.

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AC servomotors for the food industry
Stainless steel shaft and housing, rounded corners
Torque at standstill: 1.28...4.75 Nm

DC Servomotors

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Flat DC servomotors Low inertia, high Rated torque: 0.6...13.6 Nm Frame dimensions: ø118...ø305 mm

Linear Motors

infranor linear motors

Linear Motors

Fast acceleration, high speeds, with unmatched precision and accuracy.